15 Things you can do to your home and protect it from the elements! One of the most important things you can do according to Zillo is Winterize your home.

Start with exterior Faucets and Sprinkler Systems. Drain outdoor faucets and wrap in insulating covers like foam or towels held tight with a bungee cord. Don't forget to drain garden hoses either and store away for the winter.

Clean out your gutters-Without a doubt the Fall has left your gutters overflowing with dead leaves and pine needles Winter is notorious for rain and snow, so keep those gutters from overflowing by making sure they have been cleaned out.

Just because pipes are indoors and not outside doesn't mean they can't freeze. Be sure wrap all the pipes in chilly basements, exposed crawlspaces, or accessible attics, now is the time to wrap those pipes with foam covers or towels. Coming home to a flooded house is a surefire way to wreck your week or holiday.

To see the entire list go to Zillow.


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