
Travel With The First Hamburger In Space [VIDEO]
Travel With The First Hamburger In Space [VIDEO]
Travel With The First Hamburger In Space [VIDEO]
From the folks who brought you the first beer in space (us, recently), comes "The First Hamburger In Space". These Harvard students (apparently bored enough to try this) put an on-board camera on the flight to record a burger's-eye view of earth from space.
First Beer In Space [VIDEO]
First Beer In Space [VIDEO]
First Beer In Space [VIDEO]
If you are a "Muppets" fan like me, you may recall a sketch from their TV show called "Pigs In Space." Well, get ready for the first "Beer In Space." No, that's not the name of a new cheesy sci-fi movie, it actually happened.
Antares Spy Equipment?
Antares Spy Equipment?
Antares Spy Equipment?
On October 28th, an unmanned NASA Antares rocket that was on a resupply mission to the ISS self-destructed shortly after takeoff. Conspiracy theorist all over the internet are talking about how the rocket may have been carrying illegal spy equipment.
Wireless Technology Banned?
Wireless Technology Banned?
Wireless Technology Banned?
Imagine a place on American soil where no radios, cell phones or wireless of any kind exists, not necessarily because the residents choose a quieter life, but because it's the LAW.

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