santa claus

When Does The Magic End?
When Does The Magic End?
When Does The Magic End?
It's just as magical for us parents as it is for our kids, watching the wonder on their faces as they believe that they've just witnessed real magic: getting goodies for their lost teeth, picking up eggs from a rabbit in a hurry and trying to imagine a guy fitting through their chimney
14 Creepy Santas Who Might Give You Nightmares
14 Creepy Santas Who Might Give You Nightmares
14 Creepy Santas Who Might Give You Nightmares
We love Santa. We really do! He's probably the coolest old guy we know, spending his life making presents, managing elves and eating cookies. Truth be told, we're sort of jealous. The jolly old guy usually looks bright and cheery and not all that scary, which is yet another reason we're fans.
How To Track Santa
How To Track Santa
How To Track Santa
Is Santa near your house? Is he about to fly over? Where's Santa Claus now? You better check on Christmas Eve! There are a number of ways you can track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, and here's how. Norad Tracks Santa You can track Santa through Cesium and Bing Maps...
12 Santas Who Might Be Drunk
12 Santas Who Might Be Drunk
12 Santas Who Might Be Drunk
Even though Santa has an awesome job, it can be super stressful at times. Sure he's a jolly ol' guy who gives out presents for a living, but when Christmas Eve rolls around, things can get really tricky. If you think about it, the guy has to pull off delivering like, millions and millions of presents to people all around the world, so of course Santa needs to relax a bit post-Christmas. You know--