memorial day

10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty). Or perhaps heading to the public pool to kick off swimming season is more your style. Whatever you do, there’s one Memorial Day staple that all Americans must experience on Monday— the BBQ.
Grilling On Memorial Day On My Father’s Day Present
Grilling On Memorial Day On My Father’s Day Present
Grilling On Memorial Day On My Father’s Day Present
Like many Americans I fired up the grill yesterday. It's a Memorial Day tradition for a lot of families, my included. What made this year different, is I fired up a brand new grill for the first time in over decade. Honestly I can't remember the last time I bought a brand new grill...
The Real Meaning Of Memorial Day
The Real Meaning Of Memorial Day
The Real Meaning Of Memorial Day
Memorial Day is more than a day off work, sales, barbeques and the "official" beginning of summer. However, according to a new survey, a large majority of Americans have no clue to what Memorial Day is really all about; a national day of rememberence for the soldiers that died while fighting the nation's wars...
Say Thank You To World War II Veterans This Memorial Day
Say Thank You To World War II Veterans This Memorial Day
Say Thank You To World War II Veterans This Memorial Day
I have an extremely soft spot in my heart for veterans. My dad and most of my uncles are veterans. My Uncle Gene is a veteran of World War II which is why when I saw this video I had to share it with you.