Babies, rhinos, and holiday lights, oh my. Christmas has come early at The Wild Animal Park where three new animals have been added as preparations continue for the first Wild Winter Wonderland of Lights.
There's so many things to see and do with the animals at The Wild Animal Park in Chittenango. From feeding sheep, birds and giraffes to an up close encounter. Now you can go alligator fishing too.
It was a long, hard fought battle, but it's finally over. The lawsuit against The Wild Animal Park in Chittenago has been dropped and the drive thru safari will stay.
The Water Buffalo that is located in the 12 acre park gave birth to a new baby merely three weeks ago. It's probably one of the cutest things we've ever seen.
Who wants an up close and personal experience with a Pygmy hippo? Maybe get a hippo painting? You can at The Wild Animal Park in Chittenango during an off-season encounter.