
Suicide Happens. What Now?
Suicide Happens. What Now?
Suicide Happens. What Now?
Many of you have probably never even heard of Matt Walsh before this week, and maybe you harbor some strong ill will towards him because of his recent blogs on depression and suicide as a choice.
May Lower Suicide Risk
May Lower Suicide Risk
May Lower Suicide Risk
A new study reveals that coffee may lower the suicide risk in both men and women by 50 percent. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health compared the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per day with non-coffee drinkers, who consumed less coffee per day and those who chose decaffeinated...
Dick Trickle's Last Words
Dick Trickle's Last Words
Dick Trickle's Last Words
A few days ago the world got the news that NASCAR legend Dick Trickle had committed suicide and as always, we wonder why someone would permanently end their life over some comparatively temporary issue. We still don't know what the issue is but we DO have the 911 call that Dick placed just before he died... Listen.

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