Governor Cuomo overstepped his authority on this one.
At least, according to a New York State Supreme Court that overturned his emergency ban on flavored vaping products. The ruling was made just this past week to overturn Cuomo's ban on flavored vaping products...
Well that's a political work-around. Turns out, since the legalization of marijuana apparently didn't work out, New York State instead decided to decriminalize marijuana in certain amounts. posted that the New York State Senate voted yesterday to pass a bill decriminalizing possession of less than two ounces of marijuana...
You may remember Cynthia Nixon as Miranda Hobbes from the late 90's and early 2000's HBO series Sex & the City - but you may soon know her as a New York State Gubernatorial candidate.
This quirky Washington tradition has been around since Franklin Roosevelt. Does anyone know how many pens President Trump used signing executive actions on his inauguration day?
The election season this year has done nothing but fill your Facebook feed with negativity, and division. It has really been a nasty campaign for our nation's highest, and supposedly most respected position. Many Americans are sick of it, and are ready for it all to be over. Here in Central New York there are far worse things that could happen than having to read anymore of the political crap.
Dan Ballister of Ballister's Bistro in Rome is creating a unique menu for the presidential election. It's another way for you to support your candidate. Kind of.