Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope! It's a Mustang, and you won't believe how it got to the top of one of New York City's most iconic buildings. Your move, Camaro.
Looking to add a little class to your mancave? Look no further than potentially driving a Mustang into your basement. You can play pool on this Mustang Pool Table.
There are few things in life that are treated with as much reverence and respect as the Ford Mustang. Sure there may have been some noticeable changes in the later models from its earlier concepts and classic originals, but even the most modern edition has been able to maintain some semblance of its unique and iconic look…until now.
Maybe you were at the 1964 New York World's Fair. While you were enjoying some delicious cotton candy and corn dogs you looked over your shoulder and saw this magnificent beauty in the distance. We are talking about the 1965 Ford Mustand, today’s Classic Car.
Cars today just don’t have any style. They have no vintage feel to them what soever. I understand the need to make them small, and have great gas mileage but still I’d drive a 1968 Ford Mustang every day of the week if I could. Let’s take a look at our Classic Car of the day the 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback.
Feeling pressure from their competition, Ford needed to make the Mustang more powerful so it could keep up with its competitors. The answer came in the form of a larger car. With the production of the 1967 Ford Mustang, Ford would be able to keep up with the big dogs on the road. It's truly one of my dream cars, so let's take a look at the 67 Mustang.