Possible New Law Has Liquor Store Owners In NY MadPossible New Law Has Liquor Store Owners In NY MadLiquor store owners in New York are concerned about a potential new law.Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
Ladies With 'Expensive Taste' Steal From CNY Liquor Store Twice?Ladies With 'Expensive Taste' Steal From CNY Liquor Store Twice?Store owner says his first call wasn't to police. Here's who he called instead.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
Strange News – Man Leaves Infant Son At Liquor StoreStrange News – Man Leaves Infant Son At Liquor StorePolice say a 26-year-old Florida man was arrested on child neglect charges Sunday after he told a liquor store clerk to hold his tot while he got a smoke and then took off to a neighboring strip club to drink.LonnieLonnie