Some lucky Upstate New York students will have the opportunity of a lifetime this week, when they talk to an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.
As one of the men at the forefront of the historic launch to the ISS two weeks ago, Hurley made sure to take a moment and capture the beauty of his home state.
NASA and SpaceX will launch astronauts from U.S. soil for the first time in nine years. The May 27 launch will be led by two astronauts, one of whom is from NY.
A Syracuse native will soon take Central New York to space with her during a spaceflight in May of 2018. NASA announced that Jeanette Epps will serve as an International Space Station crew member for Expeditions 56 and 57 as a flight engineer.
Have you ever dialed the wrong phone number? It's embarrassing right? Astronaut Tim Peake dialed the wrong phone number from space, and feels embarrassed from the International Space Station.
Col. Chris Hadfield may be best known for his rendition of David Bowie's 'Space Oddity,' after he played it on the International Space Station, but in this video he gives us a glimpse at how life is actually lived on the ISS.
Ever wonder what The Northern Lights looks like from space? Well, our friends at the European Space Agency just took some great video from the ISS showing what it looks like.
Ever wanted to know what beer could taste like brewed in space? Michael Bodzianowski at age 11 will boldly go where no man has gone before, brewing beer in space.