Cheapest House For Sale In Oneida CountyCheapest House For Sale In Oneida CountyThis large 4 bedroom house in the Holland Patent school district is on the market for only $40,000. That's a steal, right? Cindy McMullenCindy McMullen
Youth Sports Coach With COVID Ignores Warnings, Infects Others, Refuses to Cooperate: PicenteYouth Sports Coach With COVID Ignores Warnings, Infects Others, Refuses to Cooperate: PicenteOneida County Executive Anthony Picente details how one local youth sports coach infected others and exposed dozens more after ignoring COVID symptoms, refusing to assist contact tracers.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
Holland Patent School District Closes Schools Today Due To COVID-19 CasesHolland Patent School District Closes Schools Today Due To COVID-19 CasesSchool officials say the district was notified Thursday evening that three students tested positive for the coronavirus.Andrew DerminioAndrew Derminio