Anyone who has ever had the flu knows how miserable that experience is. From the common flu, to the Swine Flu of a few years back the symptoms are crippling. Commonly fatigue, nausea, the chills, and body aches accompany the influenza virus. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to avoid catching this common seasonal occurrence. Here is everything you need to know when it comes to the 2016-2017 flu se
Does your home have radon in it? Have you ever heard of radon? Well, it's a pretty serious problem to have and in most cases goes undetected in many households. If this toxic gas is in your home, immediate action is required. This gas is known to cause lung cancer.
One of the worst qualities a person can have is bad breath. Bad breath usually comes in the morning and after meals, which is normal, but if you have constant bad breath there is a reason for it and you need to consider making a few changes to prevent it.
It's February in Central New York and that means subzero temperatures. These low temps combined with the wind chill brings huge potential for frostbite and nobody wants that! The Mayo Clinic released a list of ways to prevent this horribly painful condition and it's so important for you to read and apply this advice.
This is cold and flu season in central New York. One of the best way to stop the spread of germs is by washing your hands thoroughly. It's "National Handwashing Awareness Week", and we've got some healthful, helpful information.
As I drive around the Utica-Rome area, I notice that just about every pharmacy and drug store has a sign outside promoting "flu shots." Now that fall has arrived, many of us are thinking about flu vaccinations to prepare for the upcoming flu season. But, who should get flu shots?
Recently, we shared information about hypothermia, and how to prevent it. With many of you working outside in this frigid weather, another concern is frostbite. Here's a closer look at frostbite and how to prevent it.
In these smartphone saturated times, maybe it's hard to imagine life without your phone or without the internet for that matter... I'm admittedly one of those people and although I've gotten better in recent years with how glued to my phone I am, I could still improve for sure. Watch this call to arms to everyone whose nose is buried in their phone
Maybe you've heard of the cinnamon challenge, maybe you haven't. It's a YouTube dare that challenges you to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon without any water to aid in it's passage. What happens more often than not is a subject will end up inhaling the cinnamon and in severe cases lungs have collapsed and emphysema has resulted.
The Girl Scouts are proud to announce they are selling a new cookie this year. This new cookie is called Mango Crème. Mango Crème cookies are vanilla and coconut flavored cookies with mango filling in between. However one ingredient that's a little odd is NutriFusion. The Girl Scouts are adding vitamins to your cookies. Chow down!