You went and really did yourself in this time, had a little too much fun and now it's time to pay the piper. You're stuck with that pounding hangover, so what now? Here's 5 remedies that I stumbled across during a morning after Google search of my own...
Our friends right up the Thruway may not have a winning football team, but Buffalo still knows how to throw one hell of a party! Business Insider has taken the Center for Disease Control’s most recent stats on binge drinking and a list of cities with the most bars per capita to rank the 25 Most Hungover Cities In America. Buffalo came in at number 5!
It's almost the weekend, which means Chili-Palooza will finally be here. You'll be sampling some great chili, some great beer, and hear some of the best live music CNY has to offer! After the event this weekend, let's be honest, you'll probably be nursing a hangover, and possibly a upset stomach. We have some tips on how to make it suck less!