Precision Clinical Laboratories will be offering drive-thru COVID-19 testing at Griffiss International Airport Monday through Friday beginning on February 7.
The Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium will be bringing 5G to New York state’s 50-mile unmanned aircraft systems corridor between Syracuse and Rome.
Aircraft from the U.S Army’s 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum have spent the past several days at Griffiss International Airport in Rome for a summer training mission.
Some parents are finding themselves in a predicament when it comes to bringing their children to a place where proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test is required.
Congressman Anthony Brindisi and Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente are asking Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Walmart CEO Doug McMillon to consider Rome as a future drone testing site.
New York State is offering diagnostic COVID-19 testing for essential workers at locations across the state including Griffiss International Airport in Rome.