It’s alive… sorta. After delaying ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ and pulling the plug on their Dark Universe, the next Universal monster reboot may happening.
If that brief clip from earlier this week featuring the Dark Knight being unmasked by the Man of Steel didn’t do the trick for you, then you’re in luck because Warner Bros. has released a new, full trailer from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Following the premiere on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the latest preview for the epic superhero battle is now online for your viewing pleasure, featuring plenty of new footage of Bats, Supes, Wonder Woman and more.
Last we heard, Warner Bros. hadn’t yet officially given the Wonder Woman solo film the green light, which wasn’t entirely surprising given that a script wasn’t firmly in place. But today brings good news on the Wonder Woman front: shooting will begin this fall for the hero’s upcoming solo adventure, with — as previously confirmed — Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad vet Michelle MacLaren in the director’s chair.
We really don't know much about how Wonder Woman will fit into the plot of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.' We do know that she's being played by Gal Gadot and that she will, somehow, get some screen time alongside Henry Cavill's Superman, Ben Affleck's Batman and Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. But that's about it ... until now! Thanks to a tiny snippet (caught on Vine, no less) we now know that DC's Amazon warrior will forego her classic origin story in favor of her modern beginning.
If it's Saturday at Comic-Con, it's time for the big guns to come out, and Warner Bros. has done that with some serious style. The studio's panel opened with a big, bruising look at 'Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,' thanks to a new trailer (and more on that to come -- much more!), before director Zack Snyder trotted out stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot to greet their fans.