Memorial Day weekend is just about here in Central New York. This year skip the stores that provide completely safe and properly handled meat, and shop CraigsList.
Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or other online sites are great for picking up deals on items - especially during the holiday season, but you may feel a little uneasy meeting up with a total stranger.
Are you looking for that perfect Christmas gift, but you don't have any cash? There are plenty of freebies to choose from on the Utica Craigslist page.
Have you been watching Survivor: Millenials vs Gen-X on CBS? If so, you would have seen Upstate New York native Jessica Blain-Lewis totally own it this season. However, she was eliminated in the final show by what they called a “blind draw.”
Looking to catch as many Pokemon as you can with PokemonGo? Well, if you need help with the driving portion, one gentleman in Herkimer County can drive you.