No matter who you're rooting for in the Super Bowl, the game will make history. Two male cheerleaders will make history when they perform at the Super Bowl.
Central New Yorker's will be all over Disney next week for a cheer competition. Another team, the Marcy-Deerfield JV Pop Warner is now headed to Disney.
The Northern Community Varsity Pop Warner team has made it to the Pop Warner Nationals Cheerleading Competition in Disney. They need your help to get there.
The Lumberton High School cheerleading squad performs its latest routine, set to the sounds of reporters describing the horrific events of September 11, 2001, and President George W. Bush's voice. Yes, you read that right.
The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders are easily the most recognizable cheerleaders with their show stopping uniforms but they've decided to step up their game by stripping down to bikinis and grabbing a hula hoop with a POV, point of view, camera.
Last month Rachel Washburn returned home from Afghanistan, following her second tour as a first lieutenant in Army intelligence. She was honored Sunday night at halftime of the Bears-Eagles game in Philadelphia, where she was a cheerleader for three years.
More than 30 ladies competed on Saturday at Hotel Utica to become members of the inaugural Utica Comettes, a hockey cheer squad that will rally the fans at Utica Comets games this season.
The Comettes are a 12 member high-energy dance team that will entertain fans at Comets home games throughout the inaugural season...
The Oregon State University cheerleaders are introducing a new move for fans to show off between third and fourth quarters from now on. It's called "The Chainsaw."