
Top Baby Names For 2015
Top Baby Names For 2015
Top Baby Names For 2015
There's a lot of Sophia's in the world. For the 6th year in a row, the name tops the most popular given to new born girls. Jackson remains at the top for the third year for popular boys names. The BabyCenter is out with their list of the top baby names for 2015 and the only newcomer is Madison, at #10.
Rochester Woman Gives Birth to Quadruplets [PHOTOS]
Rochester Woman Gives Birth to Quadruplets [PHOTOS]
Rochester Woman Gives Birth to Quadruplets [PHOTOS]
A true miracle occurred at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester this past weekend. Chris Muchard told the Democrat & Chronicle, "I've always wanted to come home to a house full of kids. Now I get to do that, all in one shot." His wife Katie gave birth to quadruplets on Saturday, November 7th.
Baby Monitors Creepy?
Baby Monitors Creepy?
Baby Monitors Creepy?
Remember in 'Signs' where Mel Gibson and company held a baby monitor into the air and picked up alien conversation forever embedding baby monitors in our heads as creepy?
Grayson James' Birth
Grayson James' Birth
Grayson James' Birth
I know it's been a month since we added a fifth child to the zoo that already was the James house, so you'll forgive me if I had a hard time balancing my time in order to get this video out.

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