Drafts With Giraffe's will allow guests to stop and sample craft beers and ciders at dozens of different stations around the park, representing 40-50 selections.
At the age of approximately 4-5 months, the team does their first full "pull", removing baby from mom's pouch for a full inspection and medical review, and then return the joey to mom's pouch for her to raise.
Your New Year's Eve plans may look a little bit different this year compared to years past, but if you're looking for a family friendly activity to partake in - look no other than at the Animal Adventure Park!
Deemed the largest Christmas display in the Harpursville, NY area, the Animal Adventure Park is holding the event again this year with a few new tricks and twists up their sleeves to make it better than ever.
This is just the wholesome goodness you were hoping for: there's another baby giraffe on the way for Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, just an hour from Utica.
The Animal Adventure Park, located in Harpursville, NY offers animal encounters with all three of these animals, so you can have an experience with them unlike any other.