Who remembers the seven piece band from Utica called SAIL that signed with United Artists Records and released the album Stepping Out On Saturday Night?
The week in 'On The Record With Cindy,' we talk about Clyde Stubblefield, the 'Funky Drummer' best known for playing with the James Brown Band has passed away from kidney failure at the age of 73.
Lou Gramm hails from Rochester NY and is best known as the original lead singer of “Foreigner.” In this week's edition of On The Record With Cindy, we talk about the twist of fate that got Gramm got started with Foreigner.
This week in On The Record With Cindy we talk about rock music legend John Wetton 67, who recently passed away after a long and courageous battle against colon cancer.
This week in On The Record With Cindy we talk about The Beatles. They thought America was butchering their records in the 60's. See how they rebelled with the 'Yesterday and Today' album cover.
Record Store Day is celebrated nationwide the third Saturday in April. This year the festivities are April 16, 2016. This week's 'On The Record' takes a look at what will be available at Off-Center Records.