New York Launches COVID Alert App
Governor Andrew Cuomo is launching COVID Alert NY, an app that will alert you if you were in contact with someone who has COVID-19.
The free app will not track your location and is completely anonymous.
Cuomo says the app is a technology-based contract tracing app.
Testing is only as good as your contact tracing," Cuomo said. "Testing is to identify a person, so you can isolate and quarantine that person and then find the connections from that person, and that's contact tracing. We have about 15,000 people statewide who do contact tracing, they call them disease detectives. But we've been looking for a technology-based solution.
As far as the latest numbers go, over 109,000 tests were conducted yesterday and 1.27 percent were positive.
Total hospitalizations are at 612.
There were 11 COVID fatalities on Wednesday.
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