What Were The Top Baby Names in New York for 1980?
Let's rewind to 1980. The year was bursting with culture and historical events, especially in the state of New York, and it begs the question: what were people naming their kids during this time? What were the top baby names in New York for 1980?
1980 was the final year of Gen-X babies, before the Millennial generation of newborns began in 1981. A very busy year for American and New York culture, the year saw numerous inventions, births, deaths, events, and pop culture moments that still remain prevalent today.
Let's take a look at a few before we get into the names:
1.) c. May - The Rubik's Cube was introduced to the toy market, which would arguably go on to be one of the most iconic products of all time.
2.) Jun 1st - CNN was launched, becoming the first ever 24-hour cable news network
3.) May 18th - Washington volcano Mount St. Helens erupted, which resulted in mass devastation
4.) Nov 4th - Ronald Reagan was elected the 40th President of the United States
5.) Dec 8th - Famed musician and former Beatle John Lennon was killed in New York City
Clearly, 1980 was an important year for culture and for history, both nationwide and for the state of New York.
With That Being Said, 1980 Was a Time Where Many People Were Having Kids
According to Infoplease, 3,612,258 people were born in the year of 1980 nationwide. Thanks to the Social Security Administration, we were able to compile the top 25 boy and girl names of that year. Scroll down to see if your name made the list!