12 Of New York State’s Most Wanted Criminals For July 2024
July has arrived in Upstate and Central New York. We can all do our part to be safe and watch out for New York's Most Wanted criminals.
These lists serve as a reminder of the importance of community safety and the role that each one of us can play in keeping our neighborhoods secure.
Continue scrolling to learn more about each person and who you can contact if you see them.
NEVER attempt to apprehend a fugitive yourself. If you have information on the location of any of these fugitives, you can contact OSI 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to report it. All leads and tips are treated as confidential information.
July is a month where crime tends to increase in New York State due to several contributing factors. The arrival of warmer weather often leads to more people spending time outdoors, engaging in social activities, and attending events, which can result in higher chances of confrontations and opportunities for criminal behavior.
Below are individuals wanted by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision's (DOCCS) Office of Special Investigations who have been designated as its Most Wanted Fugitives. They should be considered armed and dangerous. This list is current as of 7/01/2024:
Continue scrolling to learn more about each person and who you can contact if you see them.
Also, Mohawk Valley Crime Stoppers announces their Wanted Person of the Week for the Central New York region on WIBX 950, 92.3FM every Thursday. You can follow that announcement online here.
12 Of New York State's Most Wanted Criminals- July 2024
Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler