Is The Spirit Of Christmas A Raccoon In This New York Town?
'Twas several nights before Christmas when lo and behold, a family of trash pandas were stuck in the cold.
The children were nestled all snug in the trash, while visions of Taco Bell wrappers danced in their heads. Mamma in her Chinese food container, and Pop in the sausage, the whole family had just settled down for a long winter's snackin'.
The recycling guys while out making a buck, heard some scratching and crawling from the back of their truck. The drivers pulled over to see what was inside, and to their worst delight, they saw more than ten eyes. It was at that moment they knew what to do, they had to rescue the trash pandas from a life at the zoo.
And then, in a twinkling, the driver heard in the dumpster, the prancing, and pawing of each little claw. As the drivers put their heads together, they had a problem to solve. Could they move the dumpster and not get mauled?
The recycling guys spoke not a word, but went straight to their work, And started to plan their next biggest move. They would pick up the back of the dumpster and let them run in the woods, Dash away, dash away, dash away all.
Once the dumpster turned over, the trash pandas flew. They ran on all fours, to their next destination. But the drivers heard them exclaim as they ran out of sight, HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!
Real Story
The Town of Marcy recycling guys came to the rescue of a family of raccoons.
They we’re picking up cardboard and heard noises coming out of the trash dumpster. The trash pandas snuck underneath the lid!
Luckily the crew was able to pick up the back of the dumpster and let them run into the woods. So congrats team on a successful rescue.