It looks like we can all grab a glass and celebrate across New York State. 6 New York based breweries were just ranked among the Top 50 in all of America.

The Brewers Association, which is a trade association representing small and independent  American craft brewers, just released their annual production figures for the U.S. craft brewing industry. Here's what they found:

In 2022, small and independent brewers collectively produced 24.3 million barrels of beer, on par with 2021’s numbers3, and craft’s overall beer market share by volume grew to 13.2%, up from 13.1% the previous year. The overall beer market* shrank 3% by volume in 2022. Retail dollar value was estimated at $28.4 billion, representing a 24.6% market share and 6% growth over 2021.

With their findings, across America craft brewers provided 189,413 direct jobs, and the number of operating craft breweries continued to climb in 2022. We set a record  reaching an all-time high of 9,552!

including 2,035 microbreweries, 3,418 brewpubs, 3,838 taproom breweries, and 261 regional craft breweries. The total U.S. operating brewery count was 9,709, up from 9,384 in 2021. Throughout the year, there were 549 new brewery openings and 319 closings. Openings decreased for a second consecutive year, with the continued decline reflecting a more mature market. The closing rate increased in 2022 but continued to remain relatively low, at approximately 3%."

So what about the best of the best?

The Best Of The Best

In addition to the report and numbers above, the Brewers Association released its annual list of the top 50 producing craft brewing companies and overall brewing companies in the U.S. This list is based on beer sales volume. Of the top 50 overall brewing companies in 2022, 40 were small and independent craft brewing companies. Of that list, 6 were in New York State:

Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies List Includes 6 In New York

The Brewers Association released its annual list of the top 50 producing craft brewing companies and overall brewing companies in the U.S. Here's a highlight of all the New York State mentions:

17 of the Craziest New York Beer Names

The names of these New York beers are absolutely insane.

Celebrate National Banana Day With Shakes, Pies, Cookies, and Beer

April 21 is the day we celebrate God's perfect fruit, the banana! I mean, it is super tasty, super healthy, super beautiful, and it comes in its own natural packaging! So, here's to you King Banana. To help you celebrate we have listed eleven places around Upstate New York where you can indulge on this special day in a banana cookie, banana cream pie, a cup of banana custard, a banana doughnut, and yes, even a bottle of banana beer. Well, kind of.

Check it out and have a fun time celebrating National Banana Day!