This Has To Be the Worst Thing To Leave in Your Fridge at Work
The work fridge is the communal place that everyone relies on to get through their day. Though you always worry a coworker might steal your food, you still trust it to hold your lunch and keep you fueled throughout the day.
With other people using the fridge, comes poor decisions being made without the thought of others. But this one isn't just a bad choice, it's also a stinky situation.
The Onion
Who in their right mind would think it's a good idea to leave a cut onion in the fridge?
As someone who does enjoy eating onions, I wasn't as grossed out at first. But the problem is coming from the smell. We all know onion breath is real... and now the entirety of the fridge has a bad case of it.
Let's settle something else. Yes there's nothing wrong with bringing an onion in to use it in your lunch. But who doesn't wrap it up after the fact? At least put it into a plastic bag, like the one you brought it to work in. Unless... wait a minute.
Did someone just walk in with an onion and nothing else? No bag to put it, just onion-in-hand through the door. Also... what are they even eating it with? This fridge is bare!
With so many questions left to answer, I'll leave you with this. Whether you like onions or not, don't leave a cut one in your work fridge. Though you may love your fridge at home smelling like an onion, we don't want it here.
We already have enough reasons to cry at work, we don't need another.