Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
20 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘Bond’ Girls
Think you know everything about Pussy Galore, Holly Goodhead, and the rest of these fantasy ladies? Think again. Check out twenty facts you probably didn’t know about Bond girls.
13 Hilarious Netflix Fails
If you're part of the amazing world that is Netflix, you know there's a handy little recommendation feature. Basically, Netflix suggests programs based off what you've previously watched, and it's spot on most of the time. However, there are some instances where things get a little wacked out.
10 Completely Unnecessary Signs
Signs are usually important. Well, besides the confusing sort or the total fails. But even those serve to share notable information with fellow citizens, or at least attempt to do so. But there are the select few signs that are unnecessary. Like, really unnecessary.
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
Bowling is like a right of passage; you've gotta wear those extra smelly shoes at least once in your life. Ya know, for the semi-gross experience. Not to mention the actual game is pretty fun, too. The thing is, it's also very fail prone. But we ain't complaining!
18 Slow Motion GIFs You Won’t Be Able To Stop Watching
Slow motion is fun. It makes everyday things seem way cooler, funnier or grosser, but no matter what, the result is usally hypnotizing. Seriously, we bet you'll spend no less than way too long staring at the jiggly Jello square.
10 Super Cheesy Pickup Notes
Anyone who's ever been the victim of a pickup line can probably agree with this response: WOOF. While a lot of them can be pretty awful ("Do you have a bandaid? Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you."), all are straight up hilarious.
10 Hilarious Handmade Signs That Will Grab Your Attention
We've gotta hand it to the sign-makers of the world. They come up with some pretty creative stuff that makes us scratch our heads and get in boozy moods. But the street signers? Well, they're a whole 'nother funny animal.
12 Creative Restaurant Signs
The restaurant biz is super competitive, which is why standing out from every other place is a key compenent to success. Of course a good restaurant should have great food, but first impressions (aka the kind that happen before you even walk into an establishment) are often overlooked. This is where creative signs come into play.
11 Optical Illusions That’ll Make You Look Twice
Optical illusions can play some really weird tricks on our brains. We think we're looking at one thing and then... sike! It's something else. Honestly, what the heck. But you know the best type of illusions? The photograph kind, because they can be all sorts of awesome, strange and funny...
11 Super Patriotic (and Questionable) 4th of July Outfits
Listen everyone, there's a huge dilemma on hand. The 4th of July is only a day away, and we have one question for you: what the heck are you gonna wear?! If you're like us and have zero idea, don't panic. We're here to help.
11 Festive Ways To Eat Through the 4th of July
We're all entitled to our own opinions, but food is arguably the best part of any holiday. See, eating our way through this sort of celebration is an automatic win-win-- we're happy, our stomach's are happy, everyone's happy.
11 GIFs That Prove Parkour Is a Really Bad Idea
If you've never heard of parkour, it's basically when someone jumps and swings and flips on things like brick walls, cement steps and metal railings. Crazy, right? And people only use their superhuman skills to pull off these stunts; no equipment is allowed.