I have to say, I was a little flushed when I read this information:  Here are some fun facts about the porcelain god. 

1.  The average person spends THREE YEARS of their life sitting on the toilet.  I point out that it does say average.  There are a lot of people that spend an inordinate amount of time and then there are others who get in, take care of business, and get out.

2.  Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" was actually the first movie to show a flushing toilet on camera.  Can you believe people were outraged by this?

3.  Can you spare a square?  Or 57, as this is the average number of squares people use per day.  Is this single or double ply?  That really seems like a lot.  That comes out to 20,805 squares in a year, or about 42 rolls.

4.  The average company has approximately 2% of their toilet paper supply stolen by customers and employees every year.  How guilty are you of this?  Where are people stashing it when they come out of the restroom?

5.  There is an ongoing argument as to which way the paper should hang on the roller.  The majority of Americans prefer to hang the toilet paper roll in the "over" style, where you pull down to get your toilet paper.  Hanging it in the "under" style, where you pull up to get your toilet paper, is much less popular.

Just a few fun toilet facts for your Monday morning.  Enjoy your work week!

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