If you enjoyed the free Summer concerts last year at Kopernik Park, Utica has the chance to have those free concerts back. Vote to make Utica one of the top 25 cities to have a chance to get matching funds and have a summer of free music for the 3rd year.

Vote for Utica to be eligible for the third year of free concerts on Monday nights in Kopernik Park. You need to vote for Utica online no later than November 20th at levittAMP.org

From the top 25, up to 15 winners will be chosen to receive a $25,000 matching grant to bring 10 weeks of concerts to their cities next Summer. The announcement of the winner will be made on January 2, 2018.

Take the time today to vote and help Utica be one of the top 15 winners and bring the Summer concerts back to Kopernik Park. Every vote counts so vote today.



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