
5 Workouts You Haven’t Tried… Yet
5 Workouts You Haven’t Tried… Yet
5 Workouts You Haven’t Tried… Yet
It’s easier to stick to a workout routine if you love it, and few guys love hitting the treadmill day after day. Whether you’ve resolved to make 2012 the year you finally get fit or are just looking for a new way to tone up, these innovative exercises will help you blast fat and get cut in a whole new way. ...
A Supermodel’s Workout
A Supermodel’s Workout
A Supermodel’s Workout
While genetics certainly play an important part in beautiful people being beautiful people, there is a lot of hard work that goes into it as well.  Case in point:  the video below is of professionally attractive person Erin Heatherton working out at Mushin MMA in Manhattan in anticipation of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show on November 30th...