
College Course on Porn
College Course on Porn
College Course on Porn
A new college class titled "Navigating Pornography" taught by Professor Hugo Shwyzer is taking aim at defining what pornography actually teaches.
Cat Interrupts College Lecture By Crashing Through Ceiling
Cat Interrupts College Lecture By Crashing Through Ceiling
Cat Interrupts College Lecture By Crashing Through Ceiling
In this hilarious video, students at Costa Rica’s University of Peace are being lectured on something called “theory of change.” If it was anything like our college courses their minds are wandering and they’re getting a little drowsy. Then, suddenly, a cat crashes through the ceiling in the front of the room, sending the class into hysterics. Ceiling cat strikes again!
Why are Colleges Snatching Up XXX Web Addresses?
Why are Colleges Snatching Up XXX Web Addresses?
Why are Colleges Snatching Up XXX Web Addresses?
The new .xxx web domain addresses isn’t just making it even easier for people to find smut on the Internet, it’s also freaking out colleges. So much so, they are buying up all the pornified variations of their names in an attempt to protect their brand.

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