I know that we are pretty much right in the middle of November, however, it’s certainly not too early to think about preventing crime during the holiday season.

I was driving down Commercial Drive this past weekend and for a moment, I thought that it must be black Friday, given the amount of traffic that was out. That means we’re starting the holiday frenzy early, likely thanks to the competitiveness of the retail stores, big sales are starting earlier and earlier each year that passes.

I know that a lot of folks are doing their shopping online these days, but believe me, there is a lot of crime associated with cyber shopping as well.

We really have to keep an extra sharp eye on the road and our identities during this season, that is for sure. Here are some things that you can do to make you have a very happy and safe holiday season. According to the DC.gov Metropolitan Police Department, here are some helpful holiday safety tips:

If You Are Traveling

  • Get an automatic timer for your lights.
  • Ask a neighbor to watch your home, shovel snow, and park in the driveway from time to time.
  • Don't forget to have mail and newspaper delivery stopped. If it piles up, it's a sure sign you're gone.

If You Are Out for the Evening

  • Turn on lights and a radio or TV so it looks like someone's home.
  • Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave, even if it's just for a few minutes.
  • Don't display gifts where they can be seen from outside.

If You Are Shopping

  • Stay alert and be aware of what's going on around you.
  • Park in a well-lighted space, and be sure to lock the car, close the windows, and hide shopping bags and gifts in the trunk.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a check or credit card whenever possible.
  • Deter pickpockets and purse-snatchers. Don't overburden yourself with packages. Be extra careful with purses and wallets. Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket.
  • Shopping with kids? Teach them to go to a store clerk or security guard if you get separated.

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