Every few years or so, the beards make a big comeback.  All it takes is some celebrity to decide it’s cool, and soon after, everyone is doing it.  I guess we can thank the Duck Dynasty crew for the most recent trend. I myself, have never really been able to grow one with any consistency, so I feel that it is my duty to point out the cons of having a beard.

Here is my disclaimer:  This piece, in no way, indicates that I dislike beards, it simply points out some facts that you may want to check out before you decide to grow a beard yourself.

Beards contain more germs than most toilet seats.  Oh, didn’t know that, did you?  I’ve heard many joke about beards being a place for them to store their snack for later.  Hate to break it to you, but beards are nothing more than a trap for dirt, germs and grease.  Sorry.

Also, your beard is linked to baldness.  Once again, just stating facts here, not my personal opinion.  This could be why I’m in my later 40s with a full head of hair, but unable to grow a beard without looking like a sick monkey.

Most women like you without the beard.  I said most, calm down.  Go ahead and ask them, it’s true.  More women prefer the clean shaven look.

Here’s another fun fact.  Men in European countries are actually shaving their beards to avoid being mistaken as a Jihadist.  I certainly would not want to be accused of being involved with ISIS or any extremist group.  This is why I remain beard free.

Men with beards do appear to be a little more intimidating.  This is certainly true and this is why men wore beards in the 18th and 19th century, because it made them look more monstrous to Native Americans.

If you love your beard, that is great.  It is, after all, your beard, your face.  I’ll just go ahead and stay clean shaven.

Can you think of any other reasons why beards may not be a good idea?  I would love to hear what you have to say about it.

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