As a way to promote mens health awareness November has been declared no shave November.I have never grown a beard or even tried to grow one in my entire life. This year I decided to change all that and be a participant. You would think that as a man going to the doctor would just be a routine thing. But like lots of guys including myself one of my biggest fears is going to the doctors. I think a lot of that fear is hearing that something is wrong and they need to do more testing. Whatever the excuse may be we really do need to go and get an examination. Prostrate and colon cancer can be treated if detected early. You can examine yourself for testicular cancer right at home. Put your fears aside and go get examined. If you keep putting it off you will hurt not only yourself it will hurt your whole family as well. As far as the shaving goes I have about 9 days to go. It is driving me nuts. But I made a commitment and have to stick to it.

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