A lot of us live in a world where it is OK to snack in the office place, or even go as far as having your lunch at your desk when your workload (or the weather) just won't allow you to get out of the office to grab a bite.  Well, you have spoken and you have determined that the following foods are considered to be the most offensive smelling when it comes to the eating at the office.  Maybe some can read this and take a hint?  You're welcome.

I have listed these in order of offensiveness.  Number one being the most offensive.  See if you agree with any of these.

  1. Popcorn – Not sure why this one was listed as offensive, but you can certainly tell when someone has made popcorn in the office microwave.  Especially when they burn it, maybe that is the offensive part.  Burnt popcorn definitely does not smell good.
  2. Fast food – For me, I guess this depends on what kind of fast food.  To me, most fast food is not offensive, it just makes me hungry.
  3. Warmed up Chinese food – another one that I really don’t find offensive, just hungry…and hungry again an hour later.
  4. Raw onions – I agree with this one.  Sometimes I can’t tell if someone has some serious B.O., or if they are eating a sandwich with onions.
  5. Hard boiled eggs – Yes, these are pretty nasty smelling in the office.  Be considerate and go to the break room to consume these things.
  6. Kimchi – A lot of people don’t know what this is, but I do, and it certainly deserves a spot on this list.  If you don’t know what it is, just think rotten cabbage.  That should put things into perspective.  If you are still curious as to what this is, Google it up.
  7. Any kind of fish – Ugh, why torture your office mates with this level of offensiveness?
  8. Hot dogs – This one kind of surprised me, but I guess when you think about it, although they are very tasty, the smell of them throughout the office, can be quite offensive.
  9. Reheated fish – Fish is so bad, it gets two entries, but reheated fish is definitely the worst because know you are utilizing the fan from the office microwave to help waft these odors all over the place.  Shame on you.  Stop doing this.  Maybe stick to sushi, huh?

So, what office smells offend you the most?  Are you guilty of offending others?


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